Identify, Define, Prepare

It’s all about VaayTech!

Our goal is to develop a common understanding of the problem you're setting out to solve. We work with you to help develop a business strategy for identifying your customer and value proposition, and to set goals that determine your success.



Identify and test the efficacy of your big idea.

Market Research

Gain comprehensive understanding of the market landscape, your product’s potential for success, and what will make it successful.

Scheduling & Budgeting

Identify a project schedule and budget that fits your needs and goals.

In order to move forward…

An understanding of the project, the client, and what the deliverables are will help to improve the project’s success.

Research, Analyze, Audit, Plan

Time to put our brains to work.

Knowledge is the foundation of a successful strategy. It’s important to survey the market, identify competitors, and research how others have succeeded or failed in the marketplace.


User Personas

We create reliable and realistic representations of your key audience segments to understand your users.

Competitive Analysis

We help you gain a comprehensive understanding of competing organizations, products, and technology differentiators.


Conceptual model, structure and behavior of a system in order to build a visual representation of your product.

Knowledge is Power

Harnessing the power of accrued data, informed decisions are made to optimize your website, and reach your company goals.

Prototype, Validate, Iterate

Assumptions are not the same as knowledge.

It's important to understand what users really want. Rather than invest too much money and resources into assumptions, we hypothesize with prototypes, validate with user testing and research, and iterate until we’ve designed a successful solution.



We create a comprehensive interface schematics that outline purpose, flow and provide a skeletal design of your product.

Interface Design

We develop creative interfaces based on research, wireframes, and strategy.


We develop static or dynamic prototypes to test and validate real results from real users.

User Onboarding

We help you create an experience that will increase the likelihood of new user adoption.

Responsive Design

We create interfaces that adjust to the device; desktops, mobile, tablets, & beyond.

Trial and Succeed

Collected data transforms into a plan which guides our pens, keyboards, and mice in order to create wireframes, designs, and prototypes. Now things are heating up.

Build, Test, Deploy

Straddling Worlds

Engineering isn’t just about making it work; it’s a craft that extends beyond the product and into the business. We build smart, scalable and test-driven products.


Front-end Development

Customer facing website development and optimization using (but not limited to): Rails, APIs, and system integrations.


Application tuning, caching, background processing, and refactoring to enhance the speed and performance of an application.

Back-end Development

Full-stack web development using (but not limited to): Rails, APIs, and system integrations.


Deploying, managing, and scaling applications.


Mobile optimized products, designed for touch interactions across various devices and screen sizes.

Dynamic and Alive

Your final product is developed from what has been designed; with careful attention given to making it scalable, fully tested, and integrated with all of your business operations.

Launch, Collect, Learn, Improve

Ship It!

Your final product is developed from what has been designed; with careful attention given to making it scalable, fully tested, and integrated with all of your business operations.

Shipped but not set in stone...

Your site is live and ready for the world, but the beauty of the web lies in its ability to adapt and grow. New data is continually gathered to make improvements for the next iteration.

Start a project

Ready to get started? We're eager to hear from you.